domingo, 12 de febrero de 2012

Staying aloof

Don't do this.
Don't make me feel excited all over again because I've spent a long time trying to forget all the things that you made me feel.
I've spent days and nights, books and movies, tears and laughter trying to forget your name, erase old memories and build back my life.
Today I thought of you again, so strongly, and I feared that I might get some news from you again.

And here you are, in the middle of the night.
What would have happened if I had fallen asleep?
Would that call never have even appeared on my cell phone? -I usually turn it off...-
Yet the thrill is back, but alongside with a strange confusion and a reasonable restrain on my part.
I've learned not to act on what the heart dictates. 
But am I too young to be giving a fuck about common sense and being reasonable about something as simple -yet complicated- as a relationship?

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